Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Melrose Cheese sends maths and science geniuses to NASA

Press release
Melrose logo

Melrose Cheese partnered with the kids and family channel, Nickelodeon (DStv Channel 305), to host the Nickelodeon GENIUS quiz – a fun and interactive campaign designed to get SA kids inspired by maths and science, and to learn more about these fascinating and important educational subjects.

With South Africa ranked second last in mathematics and science worldwide*, addressing this at an early age is critical in order to develop a society that can keep up with the fast-paced technological advances globally.

Melrose and Nickelodeon have taken the initiative to engage our young, bright minds in math and science to improve the state of education in South Africa. This was a wonderful opportunity to encourage school children to show their intellectual ability in a fun and exciting way,” said André Mahoney, Marketing Director, Parmalat SA.

SpongeBob with the winners from Grove Primary and
fellow finalists from Reddam House, Bedfordview

Thousands of primary school children from the Western Cape and Gauteng, between the ages of 9 and 13 years, competed against each other to demonstrate their maths and science knowledge. Nickelodeon undersea hero SpongeBob SquarePants was on hand to help out with the tricky questions and to meet the kids participating in the quiz.

Winners of the Melrose Nickelodeon Genius Quiz
Three smart and talented youngsters, Rameez Chicktay (13), Amin Banderker (13) and Kayur Ranchod (13) from The Grove Primary School in Western Cape, proved they’ve got what it takes after winning the final round of Nickelodeon’s Genius quiz, held at the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre in Johannesburg recently.

Thanks to Melrose Cheese, the learners from Grove Primary School will be going on all-expenses paid trip to Orlando, Florida to visit the Kennedy Space Centre (NASA) and the Universal Orlando Theme Park, where they will be treated to various rides and experiences including Spiderman, Shrek, Jurassic Park, Minion Mayhem and a tour of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

Issued for Parmalat SA by Errieda du Toit PR

The Supernova team would like to congratulate the learners from 
Supernova subscriber Grove Primary School on their amazing win! 

Well done, guys! Enjoy your trip and stay curious!

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